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Hairdressing tools need to be disinfected

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-10-28      Origin: Site

Hairdressing tools need to be disinfected

Healthy hair should be clean, neat and free of dandruff. The hair looks black and shiny, full of elasticity, the hair shaft is soft and hard, the thickness is moderate, the ends of the hair are not split, and the hair is distributed evenly. To get healthy hair, you must pay attention to the correct maintenance method.

First, wash your hair. Washing hair can remove scales, sebum and dust on the scalp and hair, and give a benign stimulus to the scalp, which acts like a massage and is beneficial to the growth of hair. Before shampooing, you should comb your hair to prevent hair from knotting and reduce hair damage. The temperature of the shampoo should be 40-45°C. After shampooing, wrap all hair with a large dry towel, press gently to absorb the moisture in the hair, and let it dry naturally. After the hair is dried, you can apply some protective water and oil, preferably olive oil. The shampoo cycle depends on the hair type. Normal hair should be shampooed once a week, and oily hair should be shortened by 2-3 days.

Second, comb your hair. Combing hair can clean and massage the scalp. The teeth of the comb should not be too sharp, too hard and too dense, try to use a wooden comb. When combing the hair, first comb the hairline of the forehead back, and then comb the hairline behind the pillow forward after the comb is smooth. You can also comb the hair from left to right, and then from right to left, with even force. In addition, you can use a finger comb, that is, open ten fingers to insert the root of the hair, use your fingertips to rhythmically comb the hair from the forehead and the temple to the back of the occiput. Massage while combing, which can promote blood circulation in the scalp and improve the nutrient supply of the papilla. It has a certain effect in preventing hair loss and gray hair.

Third, haircut. Hair should not be too long. It needs to be trimmed regularly, and haircut tools need to be disinfected to prevent the infection of fungi, bacteria, hepatitis virus, and HIV. Haircut should be delayed for acute or subacute inflammation on the scalp. Perm should not be too frequent, usually once every six months is better, because cold perm contains thioacetic acid, ammonia and caustic soda, which can damage the hair, and it is not suitable for children. Dyeing hair can change the color of the hair, but the dye contains phenylenediamine, and some people can have allergic reactions after using it. Therefore, you can take a small amount of hair dye for a stick test before dyeing the hair to confirm that there is no allergic reaction before using it. Some hair dyes contain lead salts, long-term use can cause chronic lead poisoning of the hair follicles, causing hair loss, so long-term hair dyeing is not suitable.


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